Shoulder Pain in South Miami

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Find Lasting Relief from Shoulder Pain in South Miami

If you’re suffering from persistent shoulder discomfort that makes daily activities difficult, South Miami Spine and Joint’s tailored Shoulder Pain services can help. Our experienced orthopedic therapists specialize in thoroughly evaluating shoulder issues and providing customized treatment plans to reduce pain, restore mobility, strengthen muscles, and prevent future flare-ups.

A Patient-Centered Approach to Treating Shoulder Pain in South Miami

Our shoulder therapy services cater to patients struggling with:

  • Rotator cuff tears or strains
  • Impingement syndromes
  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  • Tendonitis or bursitis
  • Arthritis
  • Dislocations or instability
  • SLAP tears
  • Other acute or chronic shoulder problems

We understand that every patient’s situation is unique. That’s why our therapists take the time to understand your health history, lifestyle, and goals before creating a personalized care plan.
Whether you’re eager to return to sports without shoulder limitations, seek relief from nagging discomfort that disrupts sleep, or want to regain full mobility to participate in work and leisure activities, our shoulder therapists can help you achieve it.

What Sets Our Shoulder Pain Services Apart at South Miami Spine and Joint

At South Miami Spine and Joint, we go beyond temporary band-aid solutions to target the root causes of shoulder dysfunction. Our holistic approach includes:

Comprehensive Evaluations
Through hands-on orthopedic testing and assessments of posture, flexibility, strength, and range of motion, our therapists pinpoint impairments contributing to shoulder pain. Special imaging and diagnostics clarify underlying issues.

Individualized Treatment Programs
No two patients’ needs are alike. Custom manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities like heat/ice, and activity modifications target each patient’s unique mobility restrictions, muscular weaknesses, and movement patterns.

Patient Education
We empower patients with strategies to prevent re-injury and manage shoulder pain at home, including postural correction, stretching, strengthening, taping techniques, and more.

Progressive Treatment
As patients heal, we progress interventions to challenge them to build strength, retrain proper movement patterns, and prepare them to manage real-world demands.

The Benefits of Our Shoulder Pain Services in South Miami

Patients who commit to our shoulder therapy programs enjoy remarkable improvements, including:

Pain Reduction
Manual joint and soft tissue mobilizations combined with therapeutic modalities alleviate shoulder discomfort rapidly and effectively. Patients report substantially reduced pain levels and less reliance on medications.

Improved Range of Motion
With tightened tissues stretched and joint restrictions treated, patients regain mobility in all planes of shoulder movement. Daily activities like brushing hair and reaching overhead become easier.

Enhanced Shoulder Function
Targeted exercises reinforce the rotator cuff, deltoids, and scapular stabilizers to improve strength and coordination. Patients can lift heavier loads and control the shoulder better.

Reduced Re-Injury Risk
By correcting postural issues, muscle imbalances, and movement compensations, our therapists resolve biomechanical contributors to shoulder dysfunction, preventing future aggravation and pain.

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Have Questions Before Scheduling Shoulder Therapy?

How can I tell if shoulder pain is serious?
Red-flag symptoms: Swelling/bruising, sudden intense pain, loss of shoulder function, numbness/tingling, and shoulder weakness can indicate serious issues like dislocations or rotator cuff tears needing prompt evaluation. Our therapists perform orthopedic tests to determine severity.

What can cause shoulder pain without injury?
Common culprits: Muscle strains and tendonitis from overuse as well as arthritis, bursitis, and poor posture/mechanics often cause nagging shoulder discomfort in the absence of acute injuries. Our tailored interventions target these issues.

What does it mean when your upper shoulder hurts?
Probable causes: Discomfort in the bony tip of the shoulder likely indicates problems with the connections between the collarbone, shoulder blade, and/or humerus. Our manual therapy focuses on mobilizing these structures.

About The Author

Laurence Mair, a Doctor of Chiropractics, empowers patients to unlock their full potential in Chiropractics. 22 years of experience fuels his passion for helping individuals reclaim vibrant lives. At South Miami Spine and Joint in South Miami, Laurence Mair combines innovative techniques with personalized care, tackling a broad spectrum of physical challenges.

Meet Your Shoulder Pain Therapy Team in South Miami

Our supportive clinical team brings together orthopedic therapists with advanced post-graduate training in orthopedic rehabilitation and manual techniques for optimal outcomes.

Ellis Okyle, DPT
Ellis Okyle is a physical therapist and he brings 12 years of experience treating patients throughout South Florida. After completing his undergraduate degree at The George Washington University, Ellis earned a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree at The University of Miami.

Take the First Step Toward Ending Shoulder Pain

If painful shoulders are limiting your ability to live actively and comfortably, our experts can help you finally find relief. Call South Miami Spine and Joint in South Miami or request an appointment to schedule a thorough evaluation. We accept most insurance and will verify your benefits.